Nr 3. 2000 sid. 13–22 


Adrian Sutton & Lynette Hughes


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This paper is specifically directed towards the concurrent work with parents when their child is being treated in individual psychotherapy. The underlying principles are also applicable in general child and family mental health practice. A particular formulation is presented in relation to aspects of the work which constitute 'child guidance' and those which may be considered as Psychotherapeutic' in relation to parental psychopathology. The central issues are the interweaving of a knowledge of child care and family processes, child development and psychopathology and the uses which can be made of an understanding of transference and counter transference.

Adrian Sutton, Psychiatrist och Lynette Hughes, Psychiatric Social Worker, arbetar vid The Winnicott Centre i Manchester, England.

"Working with parents"

In our professional role with children the starting point is to assist parents in the care of their child through defining and understanding any specific needs the child may have and formulating how best to respond to such needs. There may be a variety of processes involved ranging from adaptations in the care or educational environment through to specific, therapeutic activities. The sphere of activity for the professional is in relation to tasks which parents cither cannot or should not attempt to do for their children. Psychotherapy is one such sphere of activity. ...



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Magnus Bjurhammar