Nr 18. 2008 sid. 17–18
Foreword in English |
Mellanrummet, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, is published twice a year. Each volume has a special theme addressing issues of interest to people working in the field of psychological welfare and disorders amongst the young population. The title Mellanrummet means “the room-in-between” – and it is also the expression for the Winnicottian concept of Potential Space. Our wish on the editorial board is to reach out all over Sweden and other Scandinavian speaking countries to those who are interested in psychotherapy with children and adolescents. But also to get information, articles etc. from different parts of Fenoscandia. One way of managing this is through the contact with our “kontaktmän” – contact persons spread all over the country as well as other EFPP-delegates from other nations. The journal can be obtained through subscription or bought in separate volumes. Most of the subscribers are private persons in Sweden, but they also come from Denmark, Finland, Norway and some other countries. Quite a lot of institutions addressing this target group also subscribe to the journal. Most of the articles are in Swedish or other Scandinavian languages. But there have also been quite a large number of articles in English by authors from Belgium, Greece, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, South Africa, UK, USA and in this volume also from Ireland and Spain. This volume sheds some light on what is going on In the Psychotherapist’s Room. One way of handling issues of confidentiality regarding the clinical material was to publish this in English, and not disclose the names or countries of the therapists, who so generously have contributed with their clinical material. We are extremely thankful to Kate Tauvon, licensed psychotherapist, who has helped with the translations. Our thanks also to Jeremy Ray, Ph.D., licensed psychologist who has also helped with one of the translations. Another reason for publishing the text in English is that many of the psychotherapists who have reflected on the clinical material have written in English, and we wanted to keep their original words in print. We, on the editorial board, most humbly thank Anne Alvarez, Sahralea Chazan, Peggy Deeny, Antònia Grimalt, Mats Herlin and Monica Lanyado for their most interesting and stimulating reflections on the clinical material. We hope that this unique volume can become of interest to others engaged in child and adolescent psychotherapy, who otherwise would not have been able to read our Scandinavian languages. Further information on Mellanrummet can be found at our website:
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MELLANRUMMET 2011-10-29 |