Nr 7.  2002 sid. 80–99

Brief Psychotherapeutic Interventions
For Families With Infants/Young Children

Effie Layiou-Lignos


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Effie Layiou-Lignos, M.Psyc., utbildad vid Tavistock Clinic i London, arbetar som handledare och barn- och ungdomspsykoterapeut vid den barnpsykiatriska kliniken vid ett av de största undervisningssjukhusen med specialisering på barn, "Aghia Sophia". Hon är också verksam vid Atens medicinska högskola.

The Child Psychiatry Department at the Children´s Hospital Aghia Sophia in Athens offers training to child psychiatrists and work placement to post graduate clinical psychologists and social workers. The clinical services of the department consist of: assessment, psychodynamic psychotherapy, supportive work and followup to children and their families. It accepts referrals from inside and outside the hospital, functioning mainly as an outpatient clinic, providing inpatient services only for a small number of children. It carries numerous research projects and offers community mental health services, consultations and teaching events to child mental health professionals (seminars, conferences, lectures).

This article describes a specific model of brief psychotherapeutic intervention to parents and their infants and/or young children, and it is illustrated by a clinical example. It is based on the long tradition of a consistent way of thinking in early prevention, as it has been developed at the Tavistock Clinic's "Under 5's Counselling Service" Workshop. This therapeutic approach has incorporated the Esther Bick method of psychoanalytic infant observation. It is also influenced by recent research studies in the field of infant psychotherapy.


We often come across children, who from very early (0—3 years old), we have to look at the infant's relationship with the parents and particularly with the mother.


Agia Sophia Childrens Hospital Athens



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Magnus Bjurhammar